Maribum Afriqui
Fotografije dogodkov so pogosto spregledana, svojstvena umetniška forma. Zahtevajo precizno beleženje niansiranih odzivov in procesov, ki se pri nastopajočih in obiskovalcih dogajajo med soočenjem s predstavo, glasbo, branjem. Od fotografa se pričakuje odlična sposobnost opazovanja in razumevanja človeške psihe, da se slog fotografije lahko prilagodi dani atmosferičnosti. Fotografije Gregorja Salobirja, posnete med leti 2017 in 2021 na koncertih Maribor Afiqui so vizualizacija glasbe in njenega efekta. Glasba v tem primeru jasno vpliva na sam končni produkt, ki ni le beleženje dogajanja, temveč je evokacija melodij, po tem ko izzvenijo. Koncerti, ki v Maribor prinašajo razbijanje kulture zahodnocentrizma, povezovanje med glasbeniki, izobrazbo o svetovnih glasbenih slogih in predvsem užitek ob glasbi, so s strani fotografa skrbno kadrirani in se osredotočajo na subjektivno doživljanje. Fotografije so lirične in zveste vzdušju glasbe, obenem pa fokusirane na medosebne odnose, toplino in čustva. Tehnika je temu primerno podrejena izraznosti fotografije, zatorej lahko opazujemo tako črno-bele kot tudi barvne posnetke. Fotograf se je serije podredil emotivnosti glasbenih dogodkov in prikazal širok razpon človeškega doživljanja koncertov, ki nam omogoči, da naenkrat občudujemo dve vrsti umetnosti naenkrat.
Sara Nuša Golob Grabner
Event photography is an often overlooked, unique art form. It requires the precise recording of the nuanced responses and processes that take place in performers and visitors as they encounter a performance, music, a reading. The photographer is expected to have an excellent ability to observe and understand the human psyche, so that the style of photography can be adapted to the given atmospherics. Gregor Salobir’s photographs, taken between 2017 and 2021 at Maribor Afiqui concerts, are a visualisation of music and its effect. In this case, the music clearly influences the final product itself, which is not just a recording of the action, but an evocation of the melodies after they have been played out. The concerts, which bring to Maribor the breaking down of the culture of Western-centrism, the networking between musicians, the education about world music styles and, above all, the enjoyment of music, are carefully framed by the photographer and focus on the subjective experience. The photographs are lyrical and faithful to the atmosphere of the music, while focusing on interpersonal relationships, warmth and emotions. The technique is accordingly subordinated to the expressiveness of the photograph, so that we can observe both black and white and colour images. The photographer has subordinated the series to the emotionality of musical events, showing the wide range of human experience of concerts, allowing us to admire two kinds of art at once.